Closed-door installation method

Hits:Updated:2017-12-27 19:12:41【Print】

Generally installed in the safety gate of the fire door is often closed open fire doors, such fire doors must be installed behind closed doors on fire requirements.
The main function of the door closers is to automatically close the door, which means that after the fire has been opened, the door will be closed automatically to prevent the fire from spreading. Under the
This paper introduces the installation and working principle of the door clover for you.
1. Installation of external door closers
1. The door is installed on the hinge side and the door opens. When installing door closers arms outwards is outstanding, and door frames into about 90 °.
2. The door closers are installed on the closed side of the door to the opposite side of the hinged side, usually an extra bracket provided with the door clover to be mounted to the arm parallel to the door frame
On. This usage is usually on the outside of a door that is open outside the building.
3. The door closers, in turn, are mounted to the door frame instead of the door, and the door door hinges on the opposite side of the door. This use can also be used outward
Outer doors, especially those that have a narrow upper edge and not wide enough to hold the door of a closed-door fuselage.
The working principle of the door clover
1. Whether the door function should be automatically stopped after the door is opened.
2. The buffer function can be quickly opened to a certain position to generate a buffer, and the buffer force and range can be adjusted according to the requirements. This feature is used for
Prevent the door or lock hitting the wall when the door is opened, or emergency escape prevents the person from losing weight while opening the door and leaning forward.
3. When the door is closed at a slow speed, the door will start at a constant speed and slow down from the maximum position of the door, which can be adjusted according to the requirements. Suitable for frequent and frequent use
Many places, especially hospitals, have the access of elderly, children and disabled people.
4. The power of closing can be adjusted. It can be installed on different doors with wide doors and wide wide doors, as well as places where there is a strong resistance to the shutdown of the environment.
Random adjustment can obtain satisfactory closing power, especially in coastal cities, vehicles and other wind affected by wind
The place.
5, use environment, fire protection requirements and place under 35 ° c in winter antifreeze requirements.
The above is the installation and working principle of the door behind closed door for you. I hope that you can help with the selection of the door closers.


Installation and precautions of ground spring


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